Red Sided Eclectus Male

Monday, April 14, 2014

Camping With Parrots?


Spring is...(I don't really want to say it for fear I'll lose it...) here! In Calgary the weather changes every 5 minutes. It was snowing just the other day, now it's a tad windy today but we have sun...the snow has melted leaving puddles and mud in it's place...but there's sun and temperatures I'd rather spend my days outside in...but alas...still not quite warm enough for Viggo. Soon though!

It's been a busy month around here...we scooted through March...part of it in a daze feeling lost having bid our boy Thunder good-bye. Since then it's been vet appointments for the other dogs, picking up Thunders paw prints and ashes and running errands. New boots (tires) on both vehicles, spring stuff.

The best yet has been our trailer!!! We got all the paper work completed, we pick it up tomorrow! Now having said that we are looking to get out camping in May and with the purchase of a travel cage for Vig we hope to include him in our weekend adventures.While not new to camping at all, we are new to bringing a parrot along for the ride. So....fill me in folks! What do I need to know?

We purchased our travel cage on Amazon for a great price. It's an Avian Adventures cage.

We will be in a hard walled trailer and he will be in his travel cage both inside and outside. I can lock the trailer doors when inside cleaning the cage or allowing him out time so he cannot escape. My family is good where communication comes in with a flighted parrot.

I intend to pick up mesh to wrap his cage in when outside to keep mosquitoes away.

We like to do all of our cooking over the fire. Campfire smoke? If we are outside and the fire is going but obviously being outside ventilation is I still have to worry about him being outside exposed to campfire fumes??

From what I've read:
-avoid exposure to bug spray, mosquito coils
-avoid exposure to bugs and wild birds

I have not seen a lot posted in regards to camping with we may be going in careful. Any advice would be welcomed or experience or stories...

Just a short touching base update but lots more to come! Stay tuned! Additionally I will do an additional post in regards to camping and what I learn as well as pictures.


  1. Hello! I read your blog. Very interesting! I live in Belarus and I have two eсleсtus - a boy named Green and a girl named Alice. I wish you a pleasant journey with Viggo and wait for the story and photos!

  2. Thank you for your comment! Love the names! How old are they and what sub species?

    We are really looking forward to our first camping trip in the new trailer and a first adventure for Viggo. I will be sure to share pictures and everything from the trip.

  3. Boy 2 years and 6 months, the girl 4 years and 4 months. Unfortunately, I do not know their subspecies. I know that parents Green from different subspecies. He is a big size. Girl smaller.
