Red Sided Eclectus Male

Saturday, January 4, 2014



So this along with hormones has become a common thing now. It's so obvious when Viggo is doing it too as a fruity smell is abundant. GAG!! It's not so overly pleasant but at the same time it's not so repulsive that I feel the need to pack up and ship Viggo off.

He's taken to feeding his one colorful toy and the end of a perch. I guess when there is lack of mate these items will do and I am extremely grateful for it as I remember Fonzie (our friend's Eclectus) used to try to feed his owners ears!!! Can you imagine? Ick!

Lately I have heard stories about other Eclectus regurgitating on their owners hands, toys...and all sorts of things.

Much like Viggo's desire to mate with things I have no intention of stopping these natural behaviors but distraction and redirection is a sure fire curve I through in his path. We take birds from the wild, breed them, take their off spring and try to change their natural behaviors, caging, clipping wings, changing their diets and so much and for the most part they adapt well but some things are rooted and natural and for that they are hard to phase out or remove all together...and we shouldn't.

I know of so many Eclectus who have been re homed for so many reasons and from the few I helped with a big part of why was due to hormones. Hormones you would think was like a bad word...but they suck...they really do. Viggo is a breeze compared to a few that I know and have dealt with. One I remember was constantly feeding name it...remote controls, the side of cups, shoes...anything within reach of the beak. Another became aggressive...cage aggressive, food aggressive....and began screaming. So really when I think of what I am seeing with Viggo I count myself lucky. They are very much like teenagers...horny teenagers.

Now becomes a chore or rather a perfect time to further educate myself in ways to help Viggo through these hormones and feelings that are natural without encouraging them by anything I do as his owner.

So in my search for answers & helpful ideas to get through this I hit the web. Here are a few links I found.

The Laughing Parrot: This page was great with it's description of Parrots and Hormones which is the human equivalent of PMS good read and offers helpful ideas (diet, lighting ect)

Toews Parrot Place: Very good read which includes hormonal triggers and things to avoid during hormonal times.

Tail Feathers Network: An excerpt "Once the hormonal madness begins, it seems, to many pet owners, that it will never stop. Or, it stops initially, only to repeat itself over again at various times throughout the year. That statement is true, or at least partially. Once your bird attains sexual maturity, that part of your bird's personality will never "go away." With this article, however, it's my goal to provide a guideline so hormones don't have to rule your bird's life, and in turn, affect yours as well. "

Friends of Feathers Bird Rescue: 'So what can we do while our parrots are in hormonal flux? The easiest thing for us is to limit sugars and starch while our birds are exhibiting breeding behavior.'

My intention for the next while is to focus on Viggo's diet and see if I can find something that works to help lessen his raging hormones, additionally I will work on training him returning to clicker training to help focus his attention in another direction.

Presently Viggo has been eating less fruits as I was aware he was becoming more hormonal than usual. I cut out all pellets, cooked foods and higher protein and bird breads. Today he had more vegetables all a raw chop with his sprouts and we will continue for the next few weeks with raw veggie chop and sprouts and see if cutting back on his fruit intake more than in past helps. I will report back and give an update.

I am also going to get that sleep cage I was talking about prior. Viggo is almost 10years old. I have seen him grow and mature and things change for him through the years and before more things change for him it would be nice to get in a routine for hormonal times and have him become accustom to a sleep cage and changes as well.

Will simple daily changes make any difference? Will Viggo stop regurgitating with these changes? Will his drive to breed decrease or all together go away?

These are questions I hope to answer by working on his diet, redirection and increasing his sleep time.

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